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Things You Can Say At The Drive Thru And Also During Sex

Because it's funny!!
Published June 28, 2021
Drive thru sign

Let's face it, drive-thrus can lead to some pretty funny stories. You pull up, mutter your order through a speaker, and hope for the best. But sometimes, what comes out of your mouth can be ... well, a little suggestive!

Here are some funny phrases that people say at the drive-thru window that can also imply things in the bedroom! (Why? Because it's funny) ...

  • "I'm going to regret this later." – A voice of reason battling the allure of that double bacon cheeseburger, or a premonition of post-coital clarity?
  • "That doesn't look like the picture." – Disappointment in the fries that look suspiciously smaller than advertised, or a date who doesn't quite live up to that late night pic?
  • "This isn't what I ordered!" – A wrong order at the drive-thru can be frustrating, but a delightful surprise in the bedroom ... maybe?
  • "Can I get that large?" – Fries, drink, or maybe your desires this evening?
  • "Hurry up, I don't have all day!" – The drive-thru line can feel like an eternity, but hopefully, your date won't keep you waiting that long.
  • "I'm definitely missing something here." – Did they forget your nuggets, or is there a crucial element missing from your new relationship?
  • "Wow, that was fast!" – A compliment for the speedy service, or a comment on a particularly … brief encounter?
  • "Condiments on the side, please?" – Essential for dipping those fries, or maybe adding a little spice to the night?
  • "Extra napkins, please!" – For the inevitable burger drips, or maybe a little more … cleanup?
  • "Anything on the menu that'll give me a boost?" – Coffee for the long drive, or something a little more invigorating?
  • "Can I get that combo?" – Fries and a drink, or the full experience?
  • "Is that all you have?" – A complaint about the menu or a playful poke for some more fun ...
  • "Anything I can add to make it spicier?" – The food, of course, or maybe a request to turn up the heat?

So the next time you find yourself at the drive-thru, remember, a little double entendre can add a dash of humor (and maybe a hint of heat) to your day.

Just keep the bedroom talk for the bedroom!

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