$1000 Minute – Friday, February 12, 2016

1.       What Fridays are often considered bad luck? 2.       When is the next statutory holiday […]

1.       What Fridays are often considered bad luck?

2.       When is the next statutory holiday in Ontario?

3.       After today, how many trips are left to be given away in the Kool FM Jet Contest?

4.       Who is actress Jessica Biel married to?

5.       Metamorphic and Sedimentary are types of what?

6.       What is the name of the little angel that is said to shoot arrows on Valentine’s Day?

7.       True or false, carrots can also be purple?

8.       Which actor is the voice of Po in the Kung Fu Panda Franchise?

9.       Spell the name of this spice:

10.   If you have two loonies, two quarters, and two dimes, how much money is that?

Scroll below for the answers!


(1) Friday 13th, (2) Family day or Monday are acceptable, (3) 4, (4) Justin Timberlake, (5) Rocks, (6) Cupid, (7) True, (8) Jack Black, (9) C I N N A M O N (10) $2.70