$1000 Minute Friday, March 13th

- In the acronym AKA, what does the K stand for?
2. This former NSYNC member sat down with Ellen yesterday and discussed plans for his upcoming “trolls” tour, what is his name?
(Justin Timberlake)
3. SPELL: Buoyancy.
(B U O Y A N C Y)
4. What would 3PM be called on a 24-hour clock?
5. Which city in Saskatchewan is further North, Regina or Saskatoon?
6. Name the theoretical physicist, known for his theory of relativity, that would be celebrating a birthday today.
(Albert Einstein)
7. Name the American artist famous for his ‘Campbells Soup Can’ artwork.
(Andy Warhol)
8. What is a perfect score in a bowling game?
9. What is the name of Pinocchio’s cricket friend in the Disney cartoon movie?
(Jiminy/Jiminy Cricket)
10. What term is used to describe food that has been prepared according to Jewish dietary laws?
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