$1000 Minute March 27th

1) Who plays Vivian in the 1990 movie, 'Pretty Woman'? (Julia Roberts)
2) Hearts, Spades, Clubs—What is the fourth suit in a deck of cards? (Diamonds)
3) How many zeros does 1 million have? (Six)
4) What is the name of the winged sculpture on the shore of Kempenfelt Bay? (Spirit Catcher)
5) What kind of food is mascarpone? (Cheese)
6) Royal Caribbean, Princess and Carnival are all types of what? (Cruise lines)
7) Which Canadian province makes most of the world’s maple syrup? (Quebec)
8) What is the French word for cold? (Froid)
9) A daiquiri is a cocktail but also the name of a village in Cuba, Spell daiquiri. (D A I Q U I R I)
10) The singer Fergie is 45 today. Which band was she a part of? (Black Eyed Peas)
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