$1000 Minute Monday, March 2nd

- What type of animal is Bullseye in the Toy Story films?
2. Who painted the Mona Lisa?
(Leonardo/Da Vinci)
3. What Country has the largest land mass?
4. Daniel Craig celebrates a birthday today. What fictional British secret service agent is he known for portraying?
(James Bond)
5. How many rings make up the ‘Audi’ logo?
6. SPELL: Chauffeur.
(C H A U F F E U R)
7. What sport is played in XFL?
8. Saturday was February 29th. What is the next year that we will have a 29th day in February?
9. Taylor Swift transformed herself into a man for her latest music video. What is the name of the song?
(The Man)
10. Which is heavier; 50 pounds of 20 kilograms?
(50 pounds)
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