$10,000 Minute Jan 24 2pm!

See how may you can get right!

  1. What bird is mythically said to deliver babies?


2.                  Who does the voice for Dory from the movie Finding Nemo?

(Ellen DeGeneres)

3.                  How many decades are in a century?


4.                  What is the term used for group or solo singing without instrumental accompaniment?

(A Cappella)

5.                  Bishop, knight, rook and pawn are all names of pieces from what game?


6.                  SPELL: Gullible.

(G U L L I B L E)

7.                  In the Jack and the Beanstalk fairy tale, what did Jack trade for 5 magic beans?

(A Cow)

8.                  How many LETTERS are there in a Canadian postal code?


9.                  How many points are awarded when a basket is made from INSIDE the three-point arc in a game of basketball?


10.              Dried plums are more commonly known by what name?
