$10,000 Minute Thursday, January 27th-9AM

How did you do today?

  1. What is the food of choice for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?





  1. In Ontario, at what age can you legally purchase lottery tickets?





  1. What chess piece can only move diagonally?
    (A Bishop)





  1. What papier-mache object is hung up and hit with a stick to obtain candy as part of a celebration?





  1. Nepal is located on which continent?





  1. A ganache is a combination of cream and what?





  1. How many zeros does one billion have?





  1. The function of red blood cells is to carry WHAT from the lungs?





  1. SPELL: Champagne.
    (C H A M P A G N E)





  1. Which Williams’ sister has won more grand slam titles?