40% of Women Admit They Can NEVER Find A Pair of Jeans That Fit Perfectly!

A new study found that when women shop for jeans, we’ll try on six pairs on average. Of those jeans, most or sometimes all will be too long, too short, too baggy on the thighs or too loose around the waist.
Just over two-thirds have a wardrobe full of jeans but find themselves wearing the same pair over and over.
As many as 74 percent find shopping for denim frustrating and 46 percent cite them as the hardest item of clothing to buy.
But two-thirds believe jeans are the most important item of clothing to fit perfectly.
On average, females spend only four minutes deciding what to wear each day, with 63 percent wanting to wear clothes that look effortlessly chic, so it’s no surprise jeans are such a wardrobe staple for 85 percent.
Related: Jeans That Look Like You've Peed Yourself...
The study also found the average woman has up to three pairs in their wardrobe which they never wear, due to the fit being imperfect.
But once an ideal pair is found, they tend to keep hold for six and a half years.
And eight in 10 women polled would be happy to spend more on a pair of jeans they know will fit well and last.
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