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Millennials Think They're Better At Parenting Than Their Parents

True Story!
Published March 27, 2024

Raising kids is tough. No generation gets a gold star, and Millennials are no exception. But a recent study shows an interesting trend: 73% of millennial parents believe they're doing a better job than their own folks.

Is this an "OK, boomer" moment, or is there something to it? Let's unpack the findings with a healthy dose of humor (because let's face it, parenthood requires all the laughs we can get!)

1.  Gentle Parenting

Millennial parents seem to favor gentle parenting. This approach focuses on guiding children through decision-making rather than barking orders.

2.  Sources for Advice

While social media might not be the most trusted source (only 24% rely on it!), millennial parents are information warriors. Like their parents before them, they consult family, friends, and good old-fashioned parenting books before diving into the latest TikTok trend.

3. Mental Health Matters

Here's a big shift: 80% of millennial parents prioritize discussing mental health with their kids. This is a far cry from the "suck it up" mentality of some past generations. Open communication about emotions is a win for everyone.

Two-thirds of millennials say that this is something their parents never did.

4.  Quality Time

Millennial parents are striving to be present. 80% say they prioritize their kids over work, and 77% believe they're more engaged with their children than their parents were.

Of Course, There's a But…

No rosy picture is complete without a few thorns.

A third of millennial parents face criticism from their own parents about their "new-age" methods. And let's be honest, burnout is real (43% of parents admit to feeling it.)

The Takeaway?

Every generation faces unique challenges. Millennial parents are no different. They're trying new approaches, prioritizing communication, and striving for presence. While "better" might be subjective, there's no denying this generation's dedication to raising well-rounded, happy kids. Here's to all the parents out there, millennial or otherwise - you're doing a great job (even if it feels like you're constantly covered in juice boxes and glitter)!

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