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Adopt A Day To Give Blood In December

Published December 7, 2022
Blood Donation Days To Give Campaign

The need for blood doesn’t stop during the holidays but with so much going on this time of year, blood donations often get put on the back burner. In fact, December appointments are often the hardest to fill. 

This year there are over 500 appointments that need to be filled before December 31, which is why the Canadian Blood Services is encouraging those who can give to give. 

As always, individuals can book an appointment at But that isn’t the only way to give during the holidays. 

For the last few years, the Canadian Blood Services have hosted the Partners for Life campaign. 

How The Partners for Life Campaign Works 

The Partners For Life program encourages businesses, community groups, and organizations to adopt a day and donate blood as a team. Friends and family can also start a team and give together.

Not only will your team help patients in your community and across Canada, but helping save lives as a group can be an incredibly meaningful bonding opportunity. It instills a sense of pride and creates a shared memory. 

For businesses and organizations, donating as a team can show that your business is committed to making a difference. It can also be a great way to fulfill social responsibility goals and can even help boost sales. In fact, studies show that 78% of people are more likely to purchase products and services from businesses that support blood donations. 

Am I Eligible To Donate Blood? 

If you want to donate but aren’t sure whether you can give, you can take the Canadian Blood Service eligibility quiz

The general guidelines for new donors are that they must be: 

  • In good health 
  • Able to perform day-to-day activities 
  • 17 years old or older
  • Within weight and height requirements if under 23 years old

For repeat donors, the requirements are the same but you must also wait a specified period between donations depending on what type of donations you are making. 

Whole Blood: Every 56 days for males and 84 days for females
Plasma: Every 6 to 14 days depending on the program.
Platelets: Every 14 days. 

If you’re ready to donate but don’t have enough people to start a team of your own? Join ours! 

This year, we have teamed up with Rock 95 to adopt December 20 as our Day To Give. We are inviting staff, family, friends, and listeners to join us. To join, head to the Canadian Blood Services website or use the GiveBlood App and search Rock 95 - KOOL FM - BARRIE. 

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