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Back To The Good Ol' Days: 15 Things You Miss About Being A Kid

The Good Old Days!
Published March 21, 2024

Remember the days when chores, homework, and your parents' annoying rules felt like the worst things ever? Well, maybe those days weren't all bad! We asked people what they genuinely miss about being a kid, and here are the best answers.

No Bills, No Problem

Not having to pay for anything was a sweet deal. Money came from the Bank of Mom and Dad, and life was good!

Car to Bed Magic

Falling asleep in the car and somehow waking up in your bed was pure magic. How did our parents do that?

Pain-Free Living

Remember when your knees and back didn’t constantly ache? Ah, the joys of a young, pain-free body!

Dinner? Not Your Problem

Figuring out what to cook every day is a real adult struggle. As a kid, dinner just appeared on the table like magic.

Blissful Ignorance

The world might have been crazy, but you didn’t have to worry about it. The adults were in charge, and you were free to play and dream.

Summer Break

Long, lazy summer breaks felt like they would last forever. It was pure freedom.

Free Evenings and Weekends

Your evenings and weekends were wide open for fun. No work emails, no adult responsibilities—just time to play.

Simpler Times

For those of us a bit older, there was no pressure to be constantly connected. Life before social media and smartphones was simpler and less stressful.

Spoiled Rotten

Being spoiled by your parents or grandparents was the best. All the treats and love without having to lift a finger!

Family Bliss

You were blissfully unaware of any family dysfunction. Everything seemed perfect through your innocent eyes.

Big Houses, Little You

Your home felt so much bigger. Whether it was a house or an apartment, your smaller size made everything seem grand.

Pre-Teen Confidence

Those pre-teen years were golden. You weren’t insecure yet, just happy and carefree.

Naps and Milk

Naptime was a treat, and that little carton of milk you got in preschool made it even better.

Birthday and Christmas Magic

The magic of birthdays and Christmas was unbeatable. The excitement and joy were off the charts!

Endless Possibilities

The world was your oyster. Your whole life was ahead of you, full of endless possibilities and dreams.

Growing up might have its perks, but sometimes it's fun to look back and remember the simple joys of childhood. What do you miss the most?

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