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How Prepared Are You for an Emergency?

How Prepared Are You for an Emergency? Millennials and Gen Z Reveal Surprising Priorities
Published September 11, 2024

When it comes to emergency preparedness, you might be surprised at what most people would grab first during an evacuation.

New research shows that for many adults, the most important item isn’t an emergency kit or even food and water—it’s their cell phone. Adults are more likely to grab their phone than their social security card if a disaster strikes.

Generational Differences in Emergency Priorities

A survey of 2,000 adults revealed a wide range of priorities across generations when it comes to what they’d save in an emergency. While you might expect essentials like medication or important documents to top the list, the truth is far more interesting.

For Gen Z, tech reigns supreme. If given just five minutes to evacuate, this group is more likely to grab their laptop or even a pair of shoes than life-saving prescription medications. It seems they can’t imagine being without their devices, even in a crisis.

Meanwhile, Gen X leans towards sentimentality. Forget clothes—this generation would rather save family photo albums, preserving those irreplaceable memories. And baby boomers? They’d be more likely to snatch up their jewelry, such as wedding bands or engagement rings, than food or water as they head out the door.

The Rising Importance of Emergency Preparedness

With natural disasters and other emergencies becoming more common, it’s no surprise that 65% of people now take emergency preparedness more seriously than they did a decade ago. It’s not just about knowing what to do, but also having a plan for what to take with you if you need to leave your home in a hurry.

When asked what they’d grab if they had to evacuate quickly, a few essentials still made the list:

  • Cell phone (with backup charger and battery)
  • Important family documents (insurance policies, ID)
  • Prescription medications
  • Food and water

But the list also highlights some interesting choices that reflect our tech-driven lifestyles.

What Would People Grab During an Emergency?

Here’s a breakdown of the top items people would take with them in a hurry:

  • Cell phone – 74%
  • Wallet/purse – 63%
  • Important documents (birth certificate, passport, etc.) – 62%
  • Social security card – 56%
  • Prescription medications – 43%
  • Family photo albums – 41%
  • Clothing – 40%
  • Laptop – 31%
  • Shoes – 30%
  • Water – 25%
  • Food/snacks – 25%
  • Jewelry (engagement rings, wedding bands, etc.) – 24%
  • Over-the-counter medications – 19%
  • Toiletries – 17%
  • Heirloom jewelry – 13%
  • Gaming system – 10%

Are You Prepared?

These survey results may have you thinking about your emergency preparedness plan. With so many unexpected situations happening today, it’s never been more important to ensure you’re ready for anything.

Would you grab the essentials, or are you more likely to reach for your favourite gadgets? Whatever the case, it might be time to reconsider what you pack in your go-bag.

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