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Movie Etiquette Rules Everyone Should Follow

This seat is saved!
Published October 4, 2024

With some highly anticipated films hitting theatres, including the new Joker sequel, it's time for a little refresher on movie theatre etiquette. There’s nothing worse than having your movie experience ruined by inconsiderate behaviour, so let’s break down the top rules for being a courteous moviegoer.

Related: The Spot in Movie Theatres That Has The Most Bacteria 

1. Arrive on Time

No one wants to be the person awkwardly squeezing past others ten minutes into the film. Make sure you’re seated before the previews start and avoid disrupting those who made it on time.

2. Share the Armrests

Just like on airplanes, you don’t get to claim both armrests. Be mindful and share the space with your neighbours—it’s all about compromise.

3. Don’t Hold Up the Snack Line

We’ve all been there: standing behind someone who can’t decide between popcorn or nachos. Please, know what you want before you get to the front of the line to keep things moving smoothly.

4. Don’t Save Too Many Seats

Saving one or two seats is fine, but holding down an entire row? That’s a no-go. If you need to save seats, keep it minimal, or you’ll frustrate fellow moviegoers. As Seinfeld famously pointed out, even saving three seats can be too much.

5. Be Courteous if You’re Tall

If you’re particularly tall, do everyone a favour and avoid sitting smack in the middle of the theatre. Try slouching a bit in your seat to make sure people behind you can still see the screen.

6. Keep Quiet

This should be obvious, but apparently, it still needs to be said. Silence your phone, refrain from texting, and keep the chit-chat to a minimum. Movie theatres aren’t the place for commentary!

7. Avoid Fights Over Noise

If someone’s talking or making noise, don’t engage in a verbal smackdown. Instead, either quietly report the issue to an usher or move to a different seat. Getting into a confrontation only makes things worse for everyone.

8. Discreet Bathroom Breaks

If nature calls, make your bathroom trip as quick and quiet as possible. Try to go when nothing important is happening on screen, and stay low while walking in front of other people.

Pro tip: The RunPee app can tell you the best times to take a bathroom break during any movie.

9. No Crying Babies

We love babies, but not during a movie. If you have a crying infant, it’s best to stay home or wait until you can arrange a babysitter. Kids’ movies are the exception, of course, but even then, be mindful of the experience of others.

10. Take Your Trash with You

Yes, theatre employees clean up after each show but don’t leave your mess behind. Taking your garbage with you is just a common courtesy.

11. Don’t Spoil the Movie in the Lobby

If you’re excited to talk about the movie you just watched, wait until you’re well outside the theatre. The last thing you want to do is spoil a major plot twist for the group of people in line for the next showing.

By following these simple etiquette rules, you’ll make the experience enjoyable for everyone around you—and avoid being the person people silently wish would just stay home!

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