Need to Focus? Try Chewing on a Pencil! 📝🧠

Struggling to concentrate? You might want to put that pencil in your mouth—seriously!
A new South Korean study found that chewing on a wooden object (like a pencil or tongue depressor) can boost memory and improve focus.
Participants who chewed on wood during a cognitive test performed better than those who didn’t.
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So, what’s the science behind it? Researchers believe:
🧠 It increases blood flow to the brain
🛡️ It releases GSH, an antioxidant that may enhance brain function
They also tested chewing gum, which helped a little, but not as much as chewing wood.
RELATED: It's The End of An Era! No One Is Chewing Gum Anymore!
Before you start gnawing on your office supplies, dentists aren’t on board—you might chip a tooth. But if you need to focus fast, maybe a pencil is the unexpected productivity hack you never knew you needed! 🖊️
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