It’s The First Day Of Lent!
After the excitement of Pancake Tuesday, people worldwide begin fasting for Lent – whether through banning a certain foodstuff or picking up on bad habits.
Christians also mark the start of the period by celebrating Ash Wednesday. Lent also marks the run-up to Easter, which also means spring!
Lent 2021 start and end dates Lent 2021 begins the day after Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday (February 17). It lasts for 40 days, not including Sundays because these are seen as holy, celebratory days by Christians. Lent ends on Saturday, April 3rd in 2021- the day before Easter Sunday!
What to give up for Lent? Here are some weird sacrifices that people have made for Lent.
People have given up:
Hot Showers
Cream and sugar
Car audio
Social media
Diet Coke
The snooze Button
Your bed
Your reflection
Your comfy chair
Control of the remote
Excessive noise & distractions
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