Help Support Our Local Eateries By Participating In The #BarrieTakeoutChallenge!
107.5 KOOL FM Is Proud To Support The Barrie Chamber of Commerce, in Concert with Paul Sadlon Motors #BarrieTakeoutChallenge!
Congratulations to Paul Sadlon Motors who is celebrating 50 years in Barrie! To kick off this milestone year, they've chosen to stay on brand and support local with the Barrie Chamber of Commerce!
Join the celebration and you could win one of 2 weekly prizes of $100 in gift certificates* by supporting local restaurants!
Residents are being encouraged to help support our local businesses by purchasing meals at any of the participating restaurants!
Purchase your takeout then tag Barrie Chamber of Commerce (Facebook: @barriechamber, Instagram: @barriechamberofcommerce, tag Paul Sadlon Motors (Facebook: @gmbarrie, Instagram: @paulsadlon), tag the restaurant where you purchased your meal (if they do not have a presence on a platform, you can include their name only)- include the hashtag #BarrieTakeoutChallenge!
A random winner will be selected each week of the challenge to receive a $100 voucher to one of the participating restaurants!
And, 107.5 Kool FM is stepping up with a $1000 grand prize which all participants will qualify for!
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