Things We Will Still Buy With Cash!
We’ve become a cashless society for the most part! This was happening even before the pandemic totally freaked us out and we became germaphobes!
A new study looked at the top things we still use cash for. And here's something quite surprising, young people really like cash. 52% of Gen Zers say it’s their favourite way to pay. That’s higher than any other age group.
Overall, the average person has $52 in their wallet right now. And there’s a limit to how much we’ll use in a single transition. If something costs more than $31, we’ll almost always use a card.
Here are the top things we still use cash for . . .
1. Tips at restaurants and bars, or for delivery drivers.
2. Fast food.
3. Candy and snacks.
4. Coffee.
5. Gas.
6. Groceries.
7. Drinks at a bar.
8. Personal care products, like makeup or other small items.
9. Gifts.
10. Donuts or pastries.
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