These New $5,000 A.I. Pants Will Do the Hiking for You!
Ever dreamed of hiking without breaking a sweat? Well, thanks to some futuristic innovation, that dream might just come true—if you’re willing to shell out $5,000!
CNN recently covered a high-tech piece of outdoor gear that’s turning heads: A.I.-powered hiking pants. Yep, you read that right. These pants give your legs an extra boost, making those gruelling uphill climbs a lot easier. With a built-in exoskeleton on each leg, the pants help you push off while hiking uphill and then lighten the load on your knees when coming back down.
They're called MO/GO pants, short for "mountain goat" (and they’re just as tough as the name suggests). The start-up Skip partnered with high-end outerwear brand Arc'teryx to bring this wild concept to life, and the first orders are expected to ship next year.
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If you’re interested, you can pre-order a pair online, but brace yourself for the price tag—$5,000! That might hurt more than any hike you’ve ever been on.
Would you let these pants take you to new heights, or are you fine sticking to the old-school way of hitting the trails?
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