Bob & Doug Fight Back Against 6.3% Beer Tax Increase

Heads up, the feds are increasing the federal tax on beer by 6.3% as of April 1st.
Take off -hoser!
Now two Canadian icons are trying to stop the madness by spearheading a new campaign to challenge the beer tax hike.
"Whoever came up with this idea gets no back bacon eh!"
The famed Canadian duo Bob and Doug McKenzie have returned to the airwaves to oppose an upcoming tax by the Federal government hike of beer, wine and spirits.
Bob and Doug are appearing in 30-second radio ads that began airing earlier this week.
The initiative was started by Beer Canada - a self-described national voice advocating on the behalf of Canadian Brewers across the country.
Bob and Doug are encouraging Canadians to oppose the government's plan to raise the tax on beer by going to here-for-beer dot ca and using the website to send a message to their local Member of Parliament.
Canadian brewers are currently facing a perfect storm of pandemic challenges, rising inflation and price increases in raw materials such as barley.
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