Can YOU Answer These 20 Canadian Trivia Questions?

This Kool FM feature is brought to you by Canadian Tire.
Feeling patriotic? Let’s see just how much you know about our great country with some Canadian Trivia! Scroll slowly so you don’t get a sneak peek at the answer before you guess! Good luck!
1. Which Canadian City Is Considered "Hollywood North"?
While you may think Toronto is the answer, the true (and original) “Hollywood North” is Vancouver!
People started calling Vancouver “Hollywood North” in the 1970s. The city is second in TV production and third for feature film production in North America. (Los Angeles and New York are first and second).
Vancouver plays host to many American series and movies such as Riverdale, Upload, and Deadpool.
T.O. is also a popular filming location and is sometimes included as part of “Hollywood North”.
2. How Many Points Does The Maple Leaf On The Flag Have?
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Our flag has 11 points! But here’s a little more Canadian trivia …
Did you know the Canadian flag was designed with 13 points? It was changed to 11 points because it was hard to see the maple leaf shape from a distance.
3. Which City Is Home To North America's Largest Mall?
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It’s Edmonton, Alberta - home of the West Edmonton Mall. This massive shopping center is 5.3 million square feet and has an entire waterpark within its walls.
4. Which Canadian Chain First Opened In Hamilton In 1964
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It’s the Canadian classic, Tim Hortons! And boy ... has it ever grown. As of 2020, the coffee chain had over 4,949 restaurants across the globe.
5. Where Is Canada's Most Visited National Historic Site?
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If you head over to Halifax, Nova Scotia, you can visit the Halifax Citadel National Historic Site of Canada! Built as a military fortification, it’s now a tourist’s paradise. The site has a rich history and a beautiful view of the city.
With its history, delicious lobster, and beautiful views, it's no wonder Halifax made the 23 most magical places Canadians are visiting during the summer.
6. Which city hosts North America’s largest single-day parade? (Bonus points if you can guess the parade!)
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It’s the Carabina Grand Parade in Toronto, Ontario! With a parade route of 3.6 km and taking over ten hours from start to finish, it’s definitely a celebration to watch out for.
The parade is part of Toronto’s 3-week-long Caribbean Caribana festival. The festival started in 1967 and is the biggest cultural festival in North America.
7. What Is Canada's National Sport?
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Trick question – We’ve got two! Hockey and Lacrosse are our national sports, as declared by the “National Sports of Canada Act”.
(If you got this one, you may be a Canadian trivia Wiz!)
8. Eat up! Which city has the most restaurants per capita in Canada?
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Kudos if you guess Victoria, BC! While reports vary, most studies say Victoria leads the pack with 4.6 restaurants per 1,000 people. Runners-up include Vancouver, Niagara Falls, and Montreal.
9. Which Canadian city ranks as the most educated in the country?
With 1/3 of the city’s adult population having a university degree, the answer is our national capital - Ottawa. But that doesn’t mean it’s the most intelligent city in Canada. That award goes to Winnipeg, Manitoba.
10. Which City Was Home To The First North American YMCA?
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It all started in Montreal in 1851!
Bonus Canadian Trivia Fact: There are now over 1,000 YMCAs in Canada.
11. What is the most purchased grocery item in Canada?
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It’s the Canadian classic, Kraft Dinner! Surveys show it is our nation’s go-to pick when we go shopping, and it’s hard to deny considering how quick and tasty it is.
12. What fruit does Canada export the most of?
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The answer is blueberries! Canada exports tens of millions of pounds of blueberries and is the world’s second-largest producer of the berry. In fact, blueberries account for 61.2% of our export dollars.
13. What is Canada's oldest city?
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Established in 1497, St. Johns, Newfoundland is the oldest city in Canada. The next established city was Quebec City but that wasn’t until 1608.
14. How many time zones does Canada have?
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There are six time zones across Canada: Pacific, Mountain, Central, Eastern, Atlantic, and Newfoundland.
15. Which Canadian city has the most tourists?
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This honour goes to Toronto with over 27.5 million visitors a year!
16. Only one province is officially bilingual, can you guess which one?
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Canada, as a country, is officially bilingual, but most provinces are either French or English. New Brunswick is the only province where French and English are both official languages.
17. How many oceans border Canada?
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There are three oceans in total. The Pacific, the Atlantic, and the Arctic all surround our nation.
18. Which province is home to Canada's tallest mountain?
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Mount Logan is Canada’s highest peak at 5,959 meters, and it stands tall in the Yukon! It’s also believed to have the largest base circumference in the world.
The only higher mountain in North America is Denali in Alaska.
19. In which province can you find a provincial park named “Blow Me Down” and the cities of “Goobies” and “Come By Chance”?
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These wildly named places are all on the East Coast in the province of Newfoundland! This picture specifically is from Blow Me Down Provincial Park.
20. Last One! 80% of the world’s supply of what comes from Canada?
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80% of the world’s supply of maple syrup comes from Canada! Eat up!
How many of these Canadian trivia questions did you get right?
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