Chocolate Poisoning In Dogs Increases 123% During Easter

Chocolate is Toxic for Dogs!

Research has found that 40% of dog owners are worried about how they’ll care for their four-legged friends if the cost of living increases. So imagine if your dog required emergency care.

So be sure to keep them far away from all that chocolate after Easter!

It’s commonly known that chocolate can be fatal if a dog gets ahold of it, but new data shows that chocolate poisoning in dogs nearly doubles during Easter time.

The volume of chocolate poisoning in dogs in April 2022 was approximately 123% higher than every other time of year — excluding December, according to data collated and analyzed through Agria Pet Insurance and released by The Kennel Club.

Chocolate is toxic to dogs because it contains a chemical called theobromine as well as caffeine, which dogs don’t metabolize as easily as humans, according to VCA Animal Hospitals.

Sadly, while this should be an enjoyable time of year, there is a real danger with chocolate poisoning, and treatment required for cases can be very costly, not to mention a stressful experience. It is so important to be extremely vigilant, so please keep chocolate, or anything toxic to your pets, far from reach.

Dog experts warn that it’s not just chocolate to be vigilant of.

Grapes, raisins, currants and sultanas are all toxic to dogs, so treats such as hot cross buns and Simnel cake should be hidden away, too, as well as leftovers from an Easter roast that could be too salty or too fatty.