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What's Better, An Ice Bath or A Cold Shower?

Published July 25, 2024
By Millzy
man in an ice bath

Have you noticed everyone talking about ice baths lately? From your favourite celebs to fitness gurus, "cold water immersion" is the latest craze. Everyone is saying how they help with inflammation, focus, and muscle recovery.

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But let's be honest with each other, who has the space or cash to install an ice bath at home? Not a lot of people. This leads people to ask the question: can a cold shower give you the same benefits?

Well, I did some digging for you. Here's what I found out.

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Is A Cold Shower As Good As An Ice Bath?

The research on cold showers isn't as in-depth as it has been for ice baths in recent years. However, there is a study from 2022 that proved some people felt less stressed after taking a cold shower.

Some other experts have mentioned that cold showers could help improve blood flow. There have also been some rumblings that cold showers could give your immune system a boost.

So it looks like a cold shower might not be quite as good as an ice bath, but that doesn't mean they don't have any benefits.

A word of caution before you jump into the cold water cold showers and ice baths can be risky. They spike your blood pressure and heart rate, which isn't great if you have heart issues or other health conditions. So, if you’re thinking about giving it a try, it’s a good idea to chat with your doctor first.

If you do decide to brave the cold, here’s how to ease into it without turning into a human popsicle

Start Slow

Begin with lukewarm water and gradually make it colder. Your body will thank you for the gentle transition.

Short Bursts

Start with 15 to 30-second bursts of cold water. As you get more comfortable, you can increase the time by 15 seconds every few weeks.

Listen to Your Body

If it feels like too much, ease off. The goal is to feel refreshed, not stressed!

So there you have it! While an ice bath might be the better option, a cold shower can still give you some pretty Kool benefits. (See what I did there?)

Give it a try, and you might find it’s a refreshing way to start your day – or a chilly but effective way to recover after a workout. Happy chilling!

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