Dolphins Use Wingmen To Find Partners!

Research has found that Dolphins with more friends have the most sex, then they return the favour to help the others get lucky!
A 30-year study of 85 bottlenose dolphins in Shark Bay, Western Australia, revealed young males form friendship groups of four to 14 members that can last for decades.
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Those with the strongest bromances have fewer rivals…It’s like in humans, where if you know you can trust your buddy you are stronger together, say, researchers.
“Male co-operation is pretty rare and a lot of species would not help another because they want to be the father themselves.
“We think these dolphins help each other because they live together for so long they know they will have many females and they will all get a turn to be the father. It’s super cool to see.”
The study found young males are more pally than females and form friendship groups of four to 14 members that can last for decades.
Frisky dolphins are known to have sex for fun, as well as for mating, and they can live as long as 60 years.
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