1st Annual Glowing Hearts Charity Tyler's Tree Services Golf Classic

Innisfil, ON L9S 4T3 Canada
Join us on Wednesday, September 25th at 8:30am for a shotgun start of the 1st Annual Glowing Hearts Charity Golf Classic at National Pines in Innisfil.
Early Bird Pricing Single Player $185, Foursome $700
Regular Pricing Single Player $200, Foursome $750
Includes Golf, Cart, Breakfast (coffee & muffins), Lunch, Large Prize Table, Hole-in-One Contest, and More!
For sponsorship opportunities or prize donations, please email sarah@glowingheartscharity.org.
Glowing Hearts Charity works to disrupt the cycle of poverty by providing programs that reduce barriers and support the mental health, growth, and development of school-age children and youth in Simcoe County.
Our ongoing initiatives include group Instrumental Music Programs (currently violin, guitar, and ukulele) and the Simcoe Youth Choir, which all have a low fee for those with financial means and are completely free for those in need, as well as Funding for Psychoeducational Assessments & Follow-Up Supports like tutoring, Mental Health Counselling, Food That Fuels, Backpacks for Youth, Hygiene Products, and Calm H.O.M.E.S. coming soon for those in low-income households.
Since the summer of 2021 over 3400 different children and youth have accessed one or more of our programs.
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