Facebook Turns 20 This Year! How The App Has Changed The World!
Facebook was born 2004!

Since the birth of Facebook, the world’s most popular social network, a lot has changed and it’s due to Mark Zuckerberg. Facebook’s mission has always been to connect people online and for them to make buckets of money from advertising!
As the platform turns 20, here are four ways Facebook has changed the world!
- Facebook changed the social media Game…Other social networks, such as MySpace, existed before Facebook - but Mark Zuckerberg's site instantly took off when it launched in 2004, proving just how rapidly an online site of this kind could take hold. In less than a year it had one million users, and within four years it had overtaken MySpace - fuelled by innovations such as the ability to "tag" people in photos..
- Facebook made our personal data valuable…and less personal. Facebook was and is sharing our date/ info and making a boat load of money…
- Facebook made the internet political…By offering targeted advertising, Facebook has become a major platform for election campaigning around the world. For example, in the five months leading up to the US presidential election of 2020, incumbent President Donald Trump's team spent more than $40m on Facebook adverts, according to Statista research.
- Facebook kick-started Meta’s Dominance…With the huge success of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg built a social network and technology empire that remains unprecedented in terms of users and its consequent power. Up-and-coming companies, including WhatsApp, Instagram and Oculus, were all purchased and turbo-charged under the umbrella company Facebook, which changed its name to Meta in 2021.Meta now says more than three billion people use at least one of its products every day.
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