FDA Warns ‘You Are Not A Cow’ Don’t Take Livestock Drugs To Cure COVID

Come on!

FDA Warns People Not To Take Livestock Drugs To Treat COVID-19!



The FDA really had no choice but to get as direct and a little sassy on Saturday putting out a tweet that reads:

“You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.”

This comes after a spike in hospitalization by people who believe a conspiracy theory that ivermectin — which is, a dewormer used for large livestock — is a viable treatment for COVID-19.



The Mississippi Department of Health released an official alert on August 20, sharing that, “At least 70% of the recent calls have been related to ingestion of livestock or animal formulations of ivermectin purchased at livestock supply centers.”



“Animal drugs are highly concentrated for large animals and can be highly toxic in humans,’ the alert said.”