Flying has gotten so depressing that no one wants to join the mile-high club anymore

People are ready to take off, but should you get off?

Joining the mile-high club may seem easier to get into than most membership organizations, but it may not be worth the bragging rights.

The mile-high club — the cheeky nickname for the group of people who have had sexual intercourse while in flight — seems to be losing its sexy status…

As one flight attendant put it, cramped aircraft and the stress of flying today have killed the mood.

It’s hard to feel sexy on a full flight when people are stressed out and worried that someone is going to try to open a door mid-flight.

But rumours of the mile-high club have flown through the air since humans first took flight, and some turned-on travellers are still trying to join the elite status — although it could be illegal.

The legality of a high-flying hanky panky is up in the air depending on factors such as the country of registration for the aircraft and operating airline, as well as the country the aircraft is flying over.

But some frisky flyers are willing to get risky.