101 Questions for Couples to Deepen Your Connection With Your Partner

Ever feel like you've exhausted every conversation topic with your significant other? Those comfortable silences can sometimes become, well, a little silent.
We've got your back. Here are 101 questions designed for couples to reignite the spark and foster deeper connections, whether you're newly coupled or celebrating decades together. (Some of these questions can be used with friends and other family members as well.)
But first, here are some tips on making this seem more like a conversation than an interrogation.
Turning Questions into Conversations
Here are some pointers to transform these questions into captivating conversations between couples:
- Be an Active Listener: Give your partner your full attention. Show genuine interest by asking follow-up questions and reflecting on their answers.
- Reciprocity is Key: Answer the questions yourself! This vulnerability fosters trust and encourages open communication.
- Take Turns as Captain: Don't bombard your partner. Let the conversation flow organically, taking turns asking and answering questions.
- Embrace the Unexpected: The most surprising answers can often lead to the most profound and memorable discussions.
101 Questions For Couples To Ask Eachother
- Who was your first crush?
- What was your first love like?
- If you had three wishes, what would they be?
- What’s the trait that instantly turns you off someone?
- What were you like as a kid?
- What’s the best book you’ve ever read?
- If you could own one thing, no matter the price, what would it be?
- What’s your favourite ice cream flavour?
- Which celebrity would play you in the movie of your life?
- Which pet would you get if you could have anything, and what would you call it?
- What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
- If you could have a superpower, what would you have?
- If you could trade places with someone for a day, who would you trade lives with?
- Do you have any bad habits?
- If you could only listen to one album, which would it be?
- Have you ever peed yourself in public?
- What’s one thing about yourself people might be surprised to learn?
- What’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told?
- If you could time travel, where would you go?
- Have you ever been in a fight?
- When did you lose your virginity?
- Do you have a recurring dream? What is it?
- What’s the last thing that made you cry?
- Did you enjoy school?
- What are you afraid of?
- Have you ever lost a friend? Why?
- What’s the first thing you think about when you wake up in the morning?
- How would you spend your money if you won the lottery?
- What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sex?
- Do you have any weird foods or food combos you love?
- What’s your first memory?
- Where do you see yourself when you’re older?
- What’s the thing your parents taught you best?
- If you could find out when you’d die and how, would you want to know?
- What’s the best meal you’ve ever eaten?
- Are you close to your family? If yes/no, why?
- Do you like your name?
- If you were on Real Housewives, what would your opening credits catchphrase be?
- If you were put in jail, who would you use your one phone call on?
- If you never had to work again, would you still go?
- What does your perfect weekend look like?
- What’s your guilty pleasure?
- Do you have any regrets?
- What’s one piece of advice you’d give your younger self?
- What would your ‘death row’ last meal be?
- What’s on your bucket list?
- Have you ever met a famous person?
- Is there anything you’ve never told another person before?
- Do you think you’ve changed a lot over the years?
- What would be the title of your memoir?
- Have you ever been dumped?
- What’s your favourite TV show?
- Are you a saver or a spender?
- What are you most proud of in your life?
- Which animal would you be and why?
- Who would you consider to be your biggest life inspiration?
- Name your top five movies?
- What’s the worst present you’ve ever given or received?
- Do you think you’re a jealous person?
- Have you ever dumped someone?
- Do you have any tattoos or any more in mind?
- What’s the drunkest you’ve ever been?
- What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you?
- Do you eat to live or live to eat?
- What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done?
- Do you think who you surround yourself with reflects on you as a person?
- conversation starter for worsts/bests etc)
- Are you more of a summer person or a winter person?
- Where in the world would you love to live?
- Are there any foods you can’t stand?
- Would you rather have one close friend or 100 acquaintances?
- Who would you have at a dinner party if it could be anyone in the world – dead or alive?
- What was your worst ever job?
- What do you consider success in life?
- What’s your ideal pizza topping?
- Do you think you’re a romantic person?
- How many people have you slept with? (obviously ask this in a non-judgmental way, it’s more as a
- Have you ever stolen anything?
- What’s the strangest conspiracy theory that you actually believe?
- Who is your weirdest celebrity crush?
- If you had a robot for the day, what would you ask it to do?
- What’s the trait you find most attractive in a person?
- Which talent do you wish you had?
- What’s the worst date you’ve ever had?
- What would you cook if you had guests you wanted to impress?
- What was the saddest day of your life?
- If you could choose a new one, what would it be?
- If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
- What was the happiest day of your life?
- What would you call your band if you were in one?
- What was your worst ever wardrobe mistake?
- If you could only save one item from a house fire, what would you save?
- Have you ever won an award?
- What’s the biggest risk you’ve ever taken?
- Who was your favourite teacher at school?
- Who would win in a fight, a baboon or a badger?
- Which fictional character do you identify with the most?
- Where would you describe as your ‘happy place’?
- Have you ever won anything?
- If you could learn a new language, which would you learn?
- Do you ever get called by a nickname?
Don't underestimate the power of couples questions! They can be the key to unlocking hidden depths in your relationship, sparking laughter, and fostering a deeper connection.
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