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Invisible Creatures Are Having Sex on Your Face While You Sleep

As least someone is…
Published May 16, 2023

There are small mites called Demodex that live on most people’s faces — and they mate in the nighttime.

A clip from the YouTube channel “Journey to the Microcosmos” shows footage taken by videographer and author of the book, “The Hidden Beauty of the Microscopic World,” James Weiss, after he found a black speck on his head.

This black speck turned out to be a Demodex mite, which is less than one millimetre in length and has eight little legs.

There are two types of Demodex: The ones that inhabit hair follicles and eat skin cells and the ones that live on our faces and eat the oil secreted from human skin…

During the day… these Demodex hang out inside our pores, but at night, they come out and look for other mites on our face to mate with…

When they are done, they head back to your pores to lay their eggs…

Demodex will lay around 20 to 24 eggs in your hair follicles, and within about three to four days, the young ones will hatch.

They don’t live long, only a few weeks before dying off into tiny pockets of your skin.

However, although this all may sound alarming, the mites are harmless and are found on pretty much everyone.

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