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Jocelyn Says Goodbye To Kool FM

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Published August 22, 2021

It is with mixed emotions as I write this today. Today is my last day on Kool FM. What a ride these past six and a half years have been! It has been a privilege spending weekends with you and programming the music for Kool FM.

Working at Kool FM has been such an amazing opportunity and I feel very grateful to have had the privilege to be a part of such a passionate, dedicated, and winning team.

I remember when I worked at a family camp near Orillia as a teenager and in my early twenties, my friends and I would listen to Kool FM - like, all the time. We just loved it! We'd drive into town with the radio blaring, singing along to all of the songs and listening to all of the great DJs. This was before I even got into radio. So never in a million years did I think I would get the opportunity to actually be on the air on my favourite station ever and also decide what music gets played. It was also crazy cool to be working with people I grew up listening to. I'm so grateful for my time here and there'll always be a special place in my heart for Kool FM.

I want to thank you so much for listening. It is incredibly rewarding to hear feedback from Kool listeners. Thank you for all of your calls, texts, comments on social media, and coming to say hi at community events. This is so bittersweet. I feel like Kool FM has given me some great experience in the radio industry and it's time to see what lies ahead on my radio path.


Live-On-Location Broadcasts

In the community

Hanging with Kool Musicians


Thank you for everything, KOOL FM!

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