Men are Happier In Relationships When They Are The Funny Ones…

In long-term relationships, men produce more jokes than women.
Men rate their jokes as funnier than the jokes of their partners.
Men use more aggressive and self-enhancing humour styles than women.
Aggressive and self-defeating humour correlate between members of the couple.

What do you call a man with half a brain? Gifted.
What's the difference between government bonds and men? Bonds Mature.
What did God say after creating man? I can do better.
Husband: Want a quickie? Wife: As opposed to what?
Why do men want to marry virgins? They can't stand criticism.
What do you have when you have two little balls in your hand? A man's undivided attention.
Why are men like laxatives? They irritate the sh** out of you.
What do you call an intelligent man in America? A tourist.
If men got pregnant....abortion would be available in convenience stores and drive through windows.
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