Monday Is Our Least Favourite Day Of The Week…
Welcome back to the day of the week we HATE the most. asked over 4,000 people to name their LEAST favourite day of the week. And yeah . . . it's Monday in a landslide.
Around one in three people said they DON'T have a "least favourite" day. But here are the results for the people who did vote . . .
1. Monday. 59% of people who have a least favourite day said it's Monday.
2. Tuesday, 13%.
3. Sunday, 9%.
4. Wednesday, 6%
5. Friday, 5%.
6. Saturday, 5%.
7. Thursday, only 3% of the vote.
The same survey also flipped the question around and asked people to name their FAVOURITE day of the week.
Saturday is #1, followed by Friday and Sunday. Just under 6% said Monday is their favourite day.
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