More Than Half Of People Think Content Creation Should Be A Real Job!

More people view it as a side hustle!

Four in 10 people think they have what it takes to be the next content creator superstar.

A survey of 2,000 adults found that 41% have considered going into one of the nation’s fastest-growing industries: content creation. Nearly a third said they’ve already gone viral.

Motivated by money, sharing their passions and being their own boss, many believe content creation should be treated as a real job.

Almost 60 percent of people believe that content creation should be taken more seriously! And almost half of the people believe that they could make a solid living doing it.

Top 6 Reasons People Would Become Content Creators

Money – 39% 

Sharing a passion – 37%  

Being my own boss – 35%      

Expanding my social circle – 33%     

Learning more about a given topic – 33%       

Fame – 30%