On-Line School! Maybe It’s Not So Bad!

Said no one ever, LOL!

Let’s be real, teaching was hard enough even before this pandemic, and here we are again- back to online learning!  But teachers have stepped up like a boss, soldiering through!  Thank you!


While parents across Ontario begin what is likely the rest of the school year online at home,   here are some perks to this otherwise, less than ideal situation.


You save a fortune on clothing. If your kids are anything like mine, pants are not required to learn from home.  


No fighting for a parking spot at the school for pick up! 

No packing lunches in the evening or first thing in the AM… Feeding them is basically optional.

Bailey’s and coffee every morning are totally acceptable!

No calls from the school to tell you that your kid did something wrong.

If you or the kid is having a day, you can blame the kid’s absence on slow wifi!