People Are Having Vaccination Parties To Celebrate Their Two Shot Status!
If you’re fully Vaxxed and want to celebrate, here’s a thought, throw a party!
WARNING: This is a US story and does NOT apply to Ontario residents. You should not be gathering as we are still in lockdown.
Our US friends are celebrating bring totally vaccinated by hosting Vaccine-themed parties, complete with Jell-O shots in outsize syringes, snacks in the shape of flexed arms, and beverages served in tumblers labeled Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson.
Other features ranged from lockdown-themed napkins printed with gags like: “Man walks into a bar … Lucky bastard” to cute favors in the form of beaded bracelets spelling out the word: “Vaxxed.”
While we Canadian’s still have time to plan our vaccination parties, these are fun ideas to give us hope!
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