‘Perfect’ Weather Encourages People To Be Healthy

Summer seems easier!

Struggling to feel healthy? A new study revealed how the weather and sunlight play a significant role in us feeling better in the summer than at any other time of year.

The study found that 75% of us are motivated and encouraged to be healthy if the weather is perfect…

Sunny skies and warm temperatures were found to be the “healthiest” weather conditions, but if it’s storming or humid, people are more likely to resort to unhealthy habits.

84% agreed being outside gives them more energy to do the activities they love and 49% feel at their most physically active during the summer months. 

A similar 42% feel at their healthiest during the summer, as well.

During the summer, respondents said they tend to prioritize a healthier diet, regular exercise and taking daily vitamins.

Meanwhile, cold and wet months during the winter are when people feel the unhealthiest and are less physically active.


  • Eat a healthier diet – 51%
  • Exercise regularly – 48%
  • Take daily vitamins or supplements – 45%
  • Maintain a routine – 43%
  • Partake in sporting activities – 32%
  • Drink less alcohol – 21%
  • Meditate regularly – 20%