Pet Cloning Is Real And It’s Becoming More Popular

Do you have the perfect pet and want another just like it?

Before you have to say goodbye to your beloved dog, cat or horse, you could preserve its DNA and then order a clone of the animal thanks to a company that’s gaining popularity among social media influencers.



Texas-based ViaGen Pets opened in 2016. They use animal tissue and surrogate pets to create clones of your four-legged companion. 



A representative for the company says the company has made several hundred pet clones in the past few years and is now cloning dogs, cats and horses on a weekly basis. According to the rep, the total cost is $50,000 for the dog, $35,000 for a cat and $85,000 for a horse.



The company says the cloned animal will be most similar to the original in intelligence and temperament.  As for how the animal will look, they say very close to a twin or sibling, it’s a new version of the pet.



Related: Your pets have better social lives than you do…



The first step to cloning your pet begins with a $1,600 fee for storing your pet’s tissue. The tissue can be stored for years and can be ready to clone at the client’s request.



How it works is, the pet’s DNA is added to an egg, which forms into an embryo and that goes into a surrogate animal, who gives birth and nurses the puppy, kitten or foal. For a puppy, you’d get your clone at about 8 weeks old.