Heads Up: Your Pillow May Be Dirtier Than Your Toilet Seat This Summer

As the summer heat intensifies, many of us find ourselves drenched in sweat whether we're outdoors, indoors, or even while we sleep.
This sweaty scenario might feel uncomfortable, but did you know it could also make your pillowcase a haven for bacteria?
Experts warn that during the summer, your pillowcase could be dirtier than a toilet seat.
The Gross Truth About Your Pillowcase!
A night of sweating can harbour bacteria in your pillowcase, and while these bacteria are likely from your own body and not typically harmful, it's still pretty gross to think about.
Medical experts suggest washing your pillowcases and bedsheets once a week to prevent the buildup of germs and bacteria.
Studies have shown that a pillowcase can harbour 17,000 more bacteria colonies after just one week compared to a toilet seat.
Real Simple reported that after a week without washing, pillowcases carried an average of 3 million colony-forming units (CFU) of bacteria per square inch. (gross)
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Why Your Pillowcase Gets So Dirty
On an average night, people can lose between 500 millilitres and 700 millilitres of sweat.
About 200 millilitres of this sweat gets soaked into bedsheets or pajamas. Additionally, the body sheds around 500 million skin cells daily, many of which come off at night. Combined with other body secretions, including saliva and drool, this creates a perfect environment for bacteria to thrive.
Ignoring this can lead to other issues such as fungi or dust mites, which feed on dead skin cells and can leave droppings that trigger allergies and asthma.
One study even found that a typical pillow can host as many as 16 different species of fungus and literally millions of fungal spores.
Tips to Keep Your Bed Clean
To avoid these issues, experts recommend:
- Washing pillowcases and sheets weekly: This helps remove sweat, skin cells, and bacteria buildup.
- Letting your bed breathe: Especially during summer, avoid making your bed immediately. Allow damp air to escape from under the covers, reducing the breeding grounds for creepy-crawlies.
- Changing sheets frequently: During the summer, change your sheets more often to keep your sleeping environment clean and fresh.
By following these tips, you can maintain a healthier and more comfortable sleeping environment, even during the hottest months of the year.
Stay cool and clean this summer!
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