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Unwritten Rules of Public Restrooms We Should All Follow

Don't be that person!
Published October 2, 2024

Let’s be honest—public restrooms can be tricky territory. Some people avoid them at all costs, while others dive right in. But no matter where you stand, there are a few unwritten rules everyone should follow when using public restrooms.

Whether you’re at a crowded stadium or a fancy restaurant, these simple guidelines will help you navigate the situation like a pro.

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Keep Your Phone Out of It

We get it, your phone is practically glued to your hand. But when it comes to the bathroom, it’s time to put it away. Don’t leave it on top of the urinal or, worse, chat away while you’re in the stall! Public restrooms aren’t the place for multitasking. Get in, handle your business, and move on.

Skip the Small Talk

Public restrooms are not networking events. Whether you're washing your hands or standing at the urinal, it's not the time to start chatting. Guys, especially—no talking while you’re doing your thing at the urinal! Just focus on the task at hand.

Don't Peek!

One of the biggest no-nos? Looking under stalls to see if they’re occupied. And please, don’t peek through the door cracks either—that’s just plain creepy. If you're unsure, give a polite knock and wait.

Respect Personal Space

This should be a no-brainer, but it’s worth mentioning: don’t crowd people in public restrooms. If there’s a choice of stalls, don’t pick the one right next to someone when there are plenty of others available. Give people their space—it’s awkward enough as it is!

Don’t Linger

If there’s a line, don’t take your sweet time. Reapplying makeup or catching up on texts can wait. Remember, others are waiting, so be considerate and wrap things up quickly.

The Courtesy Flush

Yes, bathrooms can be smelly. But if you can do something to minimize the odour, please do. A courtesy flush goes a long way in helping out the next person.

Wash Your Hands!

The most important rule: always wash your hands. This isn’t just about you—it’s for everyone’s benefit. Use soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If there’s no soap, hand sanitizer will do in a pinch. Let’s keep things clean, folks!

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