Study Finds The Best Part of the Super Bowl Is Not The Actual Game!

Almost two in five adults plan to watch 20 minutes or less of the actual game during the Super Bowl this year.
According to a survey of 2,000 U.S. adults who watch the Super Bowl, 40% look forward to attending or hosting a party for the big game, but they barely spend any time in front of the TV.
Respondents average viewing only 29 minutes of game play and 9% admit they are unlikely to know which teams are playing before they turn it on.
And when asked who won last year’s Super Bowl, only one-third were able to correctly identify the Kansas City Chief as the reigning champions.
This may be because 29% spend more time in front of the snacks and food than anywhere else.
Results for the survey reveal that the half-time show, commercials and the drinks all outweigh the competition on the field .
More than three-quarters (77%) believe that the food and snacks are imperative to the overall Super Bowl experience.
The best game-time party foods include chips (55%), dips (50%), hot dogs (42%), pizza (39%), hamburgers (37%) and even grilled veggies (15%).
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