Why Your Suitcase Might Be Carrying More Than Just Souvenirs

Packing for a trip? While you’ve likely got your shampoo, perfume, and body lotion neatly packed in spill-proof containers, a hidden, grosser culprit lurks in your luggage—and it’s coming straight from your shoes.
A disease expert has raised a rather stomach-turning warning: your shoes might be toting around traces of spit, vomit, and even urine. Gross, right? But don’t worry—there’s an easy (and budget-friendly) fix to keep your suitcase clean and germ-free.
What’s on Your Shoes? Spoiler: It’s Disgusting
Have you ever thought about what’s sticking to your shoe soles? If they’ve got ridges, ribbing, or crevices, they’re likely collecting more than just dirt.
Think sidewalks and streets covered in spit, vomit, animal waste, and yes, even human waste. Depending on where you live or travel, your shoes are essentially walking germ magnets.
Here’s a fun (or horrifying) fact for you: according to a study by a professor of microbiology, 93% of shoes worn for more than a month have fecal bacteria on the soles. Yikes.
The Simple Fix
Before you let your shoes mingle freely with your clean clothes, grab a plastic bag for each pair. Recycled grocery bags or reusable shoe bags work perfectly. Wrapping your shoes can prevent bacteria from hitching a ride home with you—and it’s a habit you’ll be glad you picked up.
Related: If You Wear These Shoes, You’re Boring and Basic!
Leave the Dirt at the Door
Some experts suggest going a step further and keeping your outdoor shoes out of your home altogether. Wearing them inside spreads all those lovely germs onto your floors, which can end up on your hands, pets, or even your food.
So, the next time you’re packing or even just coming home, think twice about where your shoes have been—and keep the grossness where it belongs: outside your home and suitcase.
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