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The ‘2 Beers and A Puppy’ Test: Who Should Be in Your Life?

Take the test! It may surprise you!
Published June 7, 2023

You’re at a crossroads, wondering who truly belongs in your life.

Should you keep that friend who always cancels plans last minute? Or maybe reconsider your colleague who never pitches in during crunch time?

Enter the ‘2 Beers and A Puppy’ test, a quirky yet surprisingly insightful concept from the book ‘Works Well With Others’.

Here’s how it works:

Think of someone in your life—could be a friend, coworker, or even your cousin—and ask yourself two simple questions:

Would I want to have two beers with this person?

Picture yourself sitting in a cozy pub, engaging in an aimless chat over a couple of brews.

Would it be enjoyable?

Would the conversation flow effortlessly?

If the thought of spending time with them in this relaxed setting brings a smile to your face, that’s a good sign.

Would I trust them to look after my puppy over a weekend?

Now, imagine entrusting them with something you deeply care about—your furry friend, your playful puppy.

Could you rely on them to take care of your pet, ensuring its well-being and happiness while you’re away?

If the answer is a confident yes, then this person likely possesses qualities of responsibility and trustworthiness.

But What Does This Mean?

These questions might seem whimsical, but their answers can be quite revealing.

They unveil who you genuinely connect with on a personal level and who you implicitly trust in times of need. It’s a litmus test for the relationships that truly matter.

So, after pondering these questions, what did you discover? Perhaps you’ve identified those who bring joy and reliability into your life—individuals you’d happily share a casual drink with and confidently leave your puppy with for the weekend.

In the end, the ‘2 Beers and A Puppy’ test isn’t just about choosing companions; it’s about curating a circle of people who enrich your life and whom you can rely on when it counts. Cheers to surrounding yourself with those who pass the test with flying colours!

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