The Best Speeding Ticket Excuses

Have any of these excuses worked for you?

An annual survey from asks people if they’ve ever gotten out of a speeding ticket, and how they did it.  And the strategy that works best is . . . just playing dumb. Here are the ten excuses with the highest success rates . . .


1.  “I didn’t know I was speeding.”  It works 26% of the time.


2.  “There’s a medical emergency,” 25%.


3.  “Everyone else was going the same speed,” 22%.


4.  “I’m late for work,” 21%.


5.  “I have to use the bathroom,” 20%.

6.  “I’m late for an interview,” 16%.


7.  “I’m late to pick up or drop off my kid,” 15%.


8.  “I didn’t see the speed limit sign,” 14%.


9.  “I’m late for court,” 13%.


10.  “I’m late for a doctor’s appointment,” 13%.  Just asking for a warning might work too.  Almost half of the people who’ve done it said it’s worked before.