The ‘Grinchiest’ Place of All During The Holidays!

Where is the 'Grinchiest' place in Barrie?

Where can you find the most stressed-out, pissed-off people during the holidays?

According to a new survey, the mall is the ‘grinchiest’ place according to 64% of people.

People think malls and shopping centres induce the most stress during the winter months, with airports and the post office rounding out the top three. Crowds, long lines and noise were among people’s top pet peeves at these stressful locations.

‘Grinchy’ places exist online too. The most stressful social media platforms are Facebook, Instagram and TikTok!

Nearly half of respondents feel overwhelmed by shopping ads and insensitive or negative content being posted online during the holiday season. But – You can eliminate the ‘grinchy’ state with a kind gesture

The survey also discovered getting a surprise sale or discount, receiving an unexpected gift or enjoying a hot cup of coffee can take a place from “grinchy” to “joyful.”

Survey respondents also shared that “home cooking,” “a holiday card,” “a raise,” “family and friends” and “people being kind to one another” could make their holiday months more delightful.


  • “People being kind to one another.”
  • “A holiday card.”
  • “The smell of Christmas.”
  • “A little snow wouldn’t hurt.”
  • “For everyone to slow down and enjoy the holiday.”
  • “More free time to myself.”
  • “Eating delicious delicacies.”