The Most Underrated Acts of Kindness

What did you do for someone recently?

According to new research, the average person does about 25,000 thoughtful acts in their lifetime. This breaks down to 6 acts per week or 312 over a year.


The survey found that saying “thank you” is considered the most underrated thoughtful act.


When asked how they show thoughtfulness to others, most said they send them a birthday greeting or present, listen to them or compliment them.


Eight in 10 said they always try to remember to do something nice for their loved ones on their birthday.


Yet two-thirds admitted it can sometimes be difficult to sustain thoughtfulness or gratitude throughout the year.


Three-fifths said negative emotions at times overpower positive ones, and more than half worry they don’t have enough time for more thoughtful actions.



Related: Buy Your “Kool to be Kind” Pink Shirts Today…



And most (72%) plan to become better friends in 2022. Sixty-six percent will accomplish this by giving more compliments, while 52% will use more polite language and 52% aim to set aside their phone during conversations.


Some respondents have also displayed thoughtfulness by covering others’ expenses, spending an average of $300 to cover their meals or bills.



  • Saying “thank you” (49%)
  • Smiling (43%)
  • Complimenting someone (43%)
  • Congratulating someone (39%)
  • Cleaning up after someone (38%)
  • Watering someone’s plants when they’re away (37%)
  • Giving/sending greeting cards and ecards (36%)
  • Returning a lost item (36%)