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The Surprising Number of Times You Ask “What Did You Say?” Every Year

No wonder we're all terrible communicators!
Published September 13, 2024

We’ve all been there—someone says something, and you respond with a confused "What did you say?" According to new research, the average person asks that very question (or something similar) a whopping 1,095 times a year! That’s about three times a day.

Whether due to background noise, distractions, or simply not hearing well, asking someone to repeat themselves is more common than you might think.

Hearing Struggles in Daily Life

The survey, which involved 2,000 people, revealed that respondents ask for clarification because they missed something around 91 times a month, which adds up to over a thousand times in a year. Interestingly, even though we ask a lot, we don’t always persist.

Most people will ask someone to repeat themselves twice before giving up and pretending they understood, even if they didn’t.

Beyond the everyday frustration of mishearing, it turns out that hearing difficulties are leaving some people out of the loop. The survey revealed that 35% of respondents have felt left out of conversations because they couldn’t hear clearly. This can lead to funny or awkward moments, but it can also be a source of stress or embarrassment.

Hearing Struggles Across Generations

Another surprising fact? Hearing issues aren’t just something older generations deal with. While 17% of adults admit they’ve avoided social events due to hearing struggles, this number is higher for Gen Z. 23% of Gen Z respondents said they’ve skipped social situations because of hearing issues, compared to just 11% of baby boomers.

Are You Worried About Your Hearing?

Hearing loss might be more common than you think. While 16% of respondents have been officially diagnosed with a hearing issue, another 21% are concerned that they might have an undiagnosed problem.

On top of that, 40% of people believe their hearing has worsened in the last five years, blaming factors like age and exposure to loud noises in their everyday lives. Loud music in the car, high volume levels on headphones, and noisy concerts are some of the culprits contributing to hearing decline.

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Despite the concerns, only 49% of respondents feel informed about the solutions available for hearing issues.

So, next time you ask "What did you say?"—don’t feel too bad, likely, you’re not alone!

This quirky statistic gives us a fun insight into how common hearing challenges are, especially among younger people, who may not even realize it yet.

Ensure you’re looking after your hearing—whether it’s turning down the volume or exploring hearing health solutions, your ears will thank you!

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