The Top Pet Antics!

Cat and dog owners' top 25 pet peeves include the animals stealing food, howling in the night and walking across the kitchen counter.
A quarter of the 1,000 pet owners polled admitted they find their furry friends frustrating, at least some of the time.
But 82 percent put the antics down to their cheeky character, while seven in 10 find their misbehaviour ‘endearing.’
Most Common Antics
most common antics
1. Being sick on the carpet
2. Waiting by the door to be let out – then deciding against it when you open the door
3. Leaving fur/hair everywhere
4. Waking you up in the middle of the night
5. Begging for food when you cook
6. Making strange sounds in their sleep
7. Refusing to go out in the rain
8. Walking across your laptop when you’re trying to work
9. Knocking something off a shelf
10. Bringing a live animal back into the house
11. Stealing food
12. Howling or meowing in the middle of the night
13. Constantly trying to get into a cupboard or another area they have no need to go into
14. Ignoring the toys you bought and chewing on everything they’re not allowed to instead
15. Stealing food from the countertop when your back is turned
16. Jumping on you when covered in mud
17. Walking muddy footprints across the kitchen counter
18. Chewing a shoe or slipper
19. Lying on your head when you’re sleeping
20. Rolling around in fox poo
21. Licking the butter off your toast when your back is turned
22. Deciding they want a walk late at night
23. Pulling the duvet off you in the morning when they want food
24. Using the human toilet
25. Doing a poo in a shoe or a slipper
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