The Worst Day To Fly!

The study, conducted by HappyOrNot, analyzed more than 4.5 million customer feedback points which are found across airports in 30 countries.
The data found that the worst day of the week was Sunday, as people were the least happy. The report found that just 81 percent of customer feedback was positive.
The best day to fly? A Wednesday, where happiness was the highest at 84.6 percent. The research even found what time of day to fly, with midnight flyers being the least happy at just 77.3 percent positive feedback. The happiest time was at 8 a.m., with 86.6 percent.
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So if you want to be the happiest when travelling, it is best to book the first flight of the day in the middle of the week. Forget the last flight on a Sunday as you will be the most miserable.
Flight attendants have also revealed why you should fly earlier rather than later, as it also means your flight is less likely to be delayed. The later it gets in the day, the more likely your flight is to be delayed or cancelled.
Flight attendants also note that the earlier flights are cleaner and you get a new flight crew who will be happier!
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