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What Gen Z is Missing Out On: A Nostalgic Look Back

Things were better!
Published July 18, 2023

There’s something special about growing up before the mid-90s.

A recent Reddit thread asked the intriguing question: "What things are Gen Z missing out on from your generation?"

The responses were a nostalgic journey through a simpler, less connected time. Let's take a look at what people had to say.

The Joy of Being Unreachable

Remember the days before smartphones ... when you could disappear for hours without anyone tracking you down?

Gen Z will never know the freedom of being completely unreachable. A luxury that came naturally before the era of constant connectivity.

Mistakes That Stay in the Past

Before the internet was a permanent record keeper, our youthful indiscretions were just that—youthful.

Today, every embarrassing moment can be immortalized online. Back then, our mistakes faded away, remembered only in the minds of those who were there.

Concerts Without a Sea of Phones

Going to a live concert used to be an immersive experience.

No sea of phones blocking your view, and ticket prices didn’t require taking out a small loan.

Watching your favourite artist perform felt more intimate and magical.

Couch Co-Op Gaming

Nintendo and other early gaming consoles brought people together—literally.

You and your friends would sit on the couch, controllers in hand, playing side by side. Today, multiplayer often means being in separate rooms, or even separate cities, connected only by the internet.

Real-World Social Dynamics

Our self-esteem was shaped by the opinions of our immediate peers, not the entire internet.

The absence of social media meant less pressure to conform to a global standard and more genuine interactions within our communities.

Free-Range Childhoods

Parents in previous generations were more likely to let their kids roam free.

There was a sense of safety and community that made exploring the neighbourhood feel like an adventure, not a risk.

Real Consequences for Real Actions

In-person interactions had real consequences.

If someone said something idiotic, they might get a punch in the face—not just a string of angry comments. It fostered a certain level of respect and accountability that's often missing online.

Deep Musical Connections

Spotify and streaming services have made music incredibly accessible, but there's a downside.

When you had to buy physical albums, you cherished them, learned them inside out, and discovered new music through artist interviews and liner notes.

It was a journey, not just a playlist.

The Art of Handwritten Letters and Mix Tapes

There’s a charm in handwritten letters and mix tapes that digital messages and Spotify playlists just can’t replicate.

These personalized tokens of affection took time and effort, making them all the more meaningful.

Feeling Safe at School

The world felt different back then, and many remember feeling safer at school.

The anxieties and fears that are prevalent today were not as pronounced, allowing for a more carefree childhood.

While every generation has its own unique experiences, those who grew up before the mid-90s often look back with fondness on a time that felt less complicated and more personal. Gen Z might have all the technology and convenience, but there's something to be said for the simplicity and authenticity of the past.

What do you think?

What aspects of your childhood do you think Gen Z is missing out on?

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