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12 Things That Make You "Officially Old" According to Kids

Just because I have a hotmail account, doesn't mean I'm old! (Ok, it does!)
Published October 23, 2024

If you want to feel ancient, spend five minutes talking to a kid.

It’s a surefire way to have your self-esteem take a nosedive. Whether it’s technology or habits we grew up with, kids today seem to think anything from "the 1900s" is ancient history. Has a child ever called you "old" for something you didn’t even know was considered out of date?

Here are some hilarious examples straight from social media that will make you feel like a fossil.

1. Being Born in the 1900s

That’s right if you were born before the year 2000, you’re officially ancient in the eyes of today’s youth. Apparently, anyone over 24 is living in the dark ages.

2. Watching “Shrek” in Theatres

One teacher found herself labelled as old when she casually mentioned she saw the original Shrek movie in theatres. Who knew that a beloved classic could make you seem so dated?

3. Remembering VHS Tapes

Did you used to have VHS tapes? Well, that’s ancient tech to a lot of kids. And if you know what a DVD is, you might as well be a museum exhibit.

4. Still Using CDs

If you still pop a CD into your car’s stereo system, prepare for the eye-rolls. Kids today don’t even know what a CD case looks like, let alone understand why you’d own one.

5. Carrying Stamps in Your Purse

One woman shared that a child called her old for having stamps in her purse. Stamps? How quaint!

6. Playing Outside as a Kid

When a man mentioned that he used to play outside as a child, a kid immediately labelled him as ancient. The real fun happens indoors now.

7. Leaving Voicemails

Voicemails are for the elderly, according to one parent’s kid. Who even listens to those anymore?


8. Owning an iPod

Do you still own an iPod? in the eyes of your kids, that’s a relic from another era. One parent discovered this after being called out by their daughter.

9. Having a Hotmail Address

A woman shared that her Hotmail address made her seem old to a kid. Honestly, though, that one might be a fair call.

10. Remembering Ad-Free YouTube

If you remember the glorious days of YouTube without ads, you’re ancient. One kid was shocked that there was ever such a time.

11. Yelling "Kobe" When Tossing Trash

A man was labelled as old by his coworker after he tossed something in the trash from a few feet away and yelled "Kobe!" Little did he know, this phrase is now considered a thing of the past.

12. Using the Laughing-Crying Emoji

One guy thought he was keeping up with the times by using the laughing-crying emoji, only to be called old by his younger cousin. Ouch. He thought emojis made him seem cool—turns out, not so much.

Are you feeling old yet? These moments might sting, but hey, every generation has its quirks. Who knows what today’s kids will be laughed at for by the next generation? After all, trends come and go, but calling people "old" never goes out of style!

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